Insecure Texans

Started by Will Never, November 02, 2021, 10:18:18 PM

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Will Never

I was playing Star Wars: The Old Republic today and encountered some idiots boasting in General chat about how Texas is "the best, must rugged state in the union."  I decided to join the chat and offer my own opinion under my character Ezecken.

I like how he correctly guessed I was from NY.  I live in Connecticut now but I was born and raised on Long Island, NY.  All my relatives live in California. Hilarious.


Let's see what song they're singing in a year or two, when Texas starts to go bankrupt.

Lemme 'splain...

I believe that the extreme laws and behavior happening in Texas right now are eventually going to have serious financial repercussions for that state. Sane people all over America and the rest of the world will retaliate against Texas in various ways... all of which will harm the Texan economy. For example, a sharp decrease in tourism. Who the fuck wants to take a vacation to Gilead? Never underestimate the value of tourism... it brings in money to tons of business, big and small alike. Or a boycott of goods and services based in Texas (example: Old El Paso foods). Or a decrease in the number of people buying new homes in Texas. Investors may begin to shy away from projects in Texas, favoring other and less extreme states in which to do their business. There will be less travel to Texas, which could mean that the massive overhead expenses of running major airports will have to be paid for by the state, instead of being paid for by airline profits.

We could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. As always, the Republicans are their own worst enemies. In their short-term fervor to toss red meat to their dwindling base, they have once again completely ignored any long-term consequences of their actions. The more Texas behaves like Nazis, the less anyone else wants to have anything to do with them. Their state will become isolated, shunned and economically devastated over time.

And when that happens, you can bet your ass that they'll come crawling to us "lefty fags" with their hats in their hands, begging for help. So just wait it out... it won't take long before they change their tune.  ;)

Oh... and the next time you run into little "Chuckie," you might mention that California and New York are the two richest states in the world. Not just in the country... but in the entire WORLD.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


That's not nothing new, Texas have always been defensive and prideful of their state.
That's what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.


Quote from: Blankspace on November 03, 2021, 06:47:57 AM
That's not nothing new, Texas have always been defensive and prideful of their state.

"Pride goeth before a fall."

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera