The Squad Are National Treasures

Started by Tessera, February 05, 2021, 10:57:55 PM

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February 05, 2021, 10:57:55 PM Last Edit: February 06, 2021, 04:15:30 AM by Tessera
Today on the House floor, members of Congress talked about their experiences during the insurrection of January 6th and the attack upon the Capitol.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who as we all know is a passionate and often emotional woman, broke down and cried during her testimony. Take a look at this photo:

Within about 20 seconds, AOC walked over and stood by Rashida, in a beautiful show of caring and support. Rashida didn't start crying because of what happened to her... she cried when she started talking about threats made to her son, as well as what might have happened to AOC, her beloved colleague.

It was very touching to see AOC come over and console Rashida. These progressive women entered public service solely because they wanted to help working Americans to have better lives. Instead, they've been harassed, harangued, bullied and threatened more than anyone else in the entire history of the United States Congress. On January 6th, the mob were deliberately searching for both of them in the Capitol building, and I think we can imagine what would have happened if they had been successful in that search. It wouldn't have been quick -- I can tell you that. About half of the threats that AOC has received include some sort of sexual element... rape threats, etc.

Every member of the Squad are national treasures... I honestly can't believe that they're still standing firm, after all of the mindless abuse they've received.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Agreed. 8)

Imagine having to go to work every day in an environment where some of your "colleagues" not only would have been fine with physical harm (up to sexual assault and even murder) being inflicted upon you because your beliefs and positions conflict with theirs...but where some of those may have actively colluded with those who sought to hurt you. >:(

Courage, indeed.
Stupidity is self-perpetuating and self-propagating. Genius must constantly be exercised to flourish.
Religion is the wool that's been pulled over our eyes to turn us into sheep.
"Behind every great fortune is a great crime." -- Honoré de Balzac
Wise up...rise up!


Quote from: Cylnar on February 07, 2021, 11:07:02 AM...some of those may have actively colluded with those who sought to hurt you.

Including at least a few corporate Democrats, I'm sure.

Well, I happen to be convinced that America's future is a progressive future... but the Establishment won't go down without a huge fight. So be it.

In a hundred years, statues and high schools will be named after AOC. Pelosi and Schumer, on the other hand, will simply be forgotten, moldy old bones in the ground.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera

Will Never

Its sad that assholes like Jimmy Dore are running around spitting out so much vitriol about AOC.  I hope that asshole dies in a fire.


Quote from: Will Never on February 08, 2021, 01:24:44 PM
Its sad that assholes like Jimmy Dore are running around spitting out so much vitriol about AOC.  I hope that asshole dies in a fire.

It's already starting to hurt him. TYT have recently gone on the attack against Dore... and TYT have six times as many subscribers.

As I see it, Jimmy Dore is a failed stand-up comic, who uses his vitriolic YouTube channel as a tool for self-promotion. For someone who
claims to be a progressive, I find most of his comments to be decidedly moderate and "old guard" in nature. Dore appears to be an
old school liberal, who is trying to usurp the "progressive" label in order to attract viewers. Most of his opinions are worthless.

Not only that, but I've never seen Jimmy Dore asking for donations and meanwhile, his show costs a fair amount of money to produce.
So unless he made a fortune as a failed comedian... then who is paying for Jimmy Dore's show..? I would really like to know and I have
a suspicion that we won't like the answer.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera

Will Never

I have a lot of trouble thinking of Dore as a liberal of any kind, at least these days.  If you look at the comments of most of his recent videos, it's clear that his audience is mostly comprised of MAGA.  And that's the audience that his videos are designed to cater to.  Just the other day he put up a video stating that democrats rigged the election against Trump.  The guy is a real fucking weasel.


February 20, 2021, 08:06:31 AM #6 Last Edit: February 20, 2021, 04:06:21 PM by Tessera
Keep voting for Republicans, Texas.

Enjoying the deep freeze, cowboy? Well hey, maybe your guns will keep you warm. Oh and enjoy all of that free drinking water, brought to you by evil socialism.

Your own senator (Ted Cruz) won't help you. He'd rather escape to Cancun and work on his suntan, while the rest of you have icicles hanging from your chads and you need to melt snow, just to get a drink.

Meanwhile, evil socialist AOC managed to raise $2 million to help you inbred, redneck dumb fucks... in only 24 hours. Texas isn't even AOC's home state -- but there she is, working hard on your behalf.

When the hell will you hateful crackers wake the fuck up..?!

EDIT to add: AOC eventually raised $3.2 million and then, she personally went to Texas, to make sure the money actually gets to the people who need it the most.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Current poll data indicates that around 70% of Millennials and nearly 80% of Generation Z self-identify as being progressives, or at least left-of-center.

That's wonderful. No really, it is.

But I'd like to pass on some advice, from my generation (Boomers) to yours...

As you get older, hopefully you'll settle into a lucrative career and start making some decent money. When that happens, please don't lose your values.

Don't do what my generation did. See, back in the 60's and the 70's, Boomers were the young and idealistic generation. We were the hippies, the flower power and the counter-culture kids. We marched against the Viet Nam war and we almost always voted for leftists. We wore blue jeans and tie-dyed t-shirts, as a way of showing our disdain for the materialistic Establishment of our time. We listened to music that scared the shit out of our parents and we played it LOUD. Go watch a video of the original Woodstock concert -- most of the young people in that crowd were Boomers. We were just like you, in our own way... we were mostly progressives, although back in those days, we were simply called "liberals" or "left-wing liberals." Although there were many in the Establishment who preferred to call us "commies" and "filthy hippies."

We were the rebellious generation who coined the expression "Never trust anyone over 30," back in the late 1960's. We believed that there was a huge divide, between ourselves and our parents' generation.

But then along came the Reagan years during the 80's, which happened to coincide with the time when most Boomers (including me) were finally finished with school and moving into the workforce. Many of us made a lot of money... which caused some of us to think "Hmmm... maybe the conservatives had the right idea after all." They became yuppies and later, they morphed into neocons. They stopped voting for liberals and re-registered as Republicans. And then... they became the most greedy, self-centered, cutthroat bastards that this nation has ever produced. I hate saying that about members of my own generation -- but it's true. Most of the richest men in America right now... who are in fact the richest Americans who have ever lived... are Boomers.

Boomers will likely continue to run this country for the next 40 years. Maybe even longer, if life extension research -- which is currently being funded out the ass by Boomers -- actually pays off. Boomers aren't ready to die yet.

So what I'm driving at here is this: you have already seen what happened, when about half of the Boomer generation made a bunch of money and abandoned their principles. Well, it didn't need to happen that way...

No, it is not inevitable that people become more conservative as they age. Just ignore anyone who makes that assertion. I certainly didn't become more conservative or materialistic... I've always been a guy who is so liberal that I scare other liberals. And it doesn't need to happen to your generation, either. Believe it or not, you can actually make money and still be a progressive. You can still believe in higher taxes for the wealthy and an increase in social safety nets. You can still believe in spending our money on our own people first, before we dance off to some foreign country and start killing their people.

Don't do what the Boomers did -- don't become cynical and greedy as you get older. Keep your eyes on the prize.  ;)

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera

Will Never

*cheers for Tessera*

And agreed.

Also, you should submit such eloquent pieces of writing to the NYT as an op-ed.  The quality and content of your writing is leagues better than a good deal of what they publish now.   :)


Quote from: Will Never on March 01, 2021, 12:47:33 AM
Also, you should submit such eloquent pieces of writing to the NYT as an op-ed.  The quality and content of your writing is leagues better than a good deal of what they publish now.   :)

Much appreciated, Will... truly... but my vote goes to Cylnar. He's the best writer on this board.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Thanks dude...but most of what I post is actually reposts of other articles around the web. ;)

I don't want to claim any accolades that aren't mine. :-\
Stupidity is self-perpetuating and self-propagating. Genius must constantly be exercised to flourish.
Religion is the wool that's been pulled over our eyes to turn us into sheep.
"Behind every great fortune is a great crime." -- Honoré de Balzac
Wise up...rise up!


I was watching AOC on TV this morning.. and I was very pleased to see that she
is once again wearing that ruby-red lipstick that really looks great on her:

Ladies and Gentlemen -- meet the most gorgeous woman ever to serve in Congress.  :o

I think maybe, for a while at least, AOC was listening to people who were counseling her to dress down a bit
and try not to look so sexy. Ostensibly to give her more "credibility," no doubt. Well, I'm glad she finally stopped
listening to those clowns. This is much better. You are what you are, babe... so go ahead and flaunt it.

Seriously, if she hadn't become a politician, I think AOC could have done some swimsuit modeling as a career.
I also think that she and a few others have repeatedly proven that progressives are the ONLY people who
are actually worth voting for these days. Not because she's a babe, but because she actually walks the walk.

Quote from: Cylnar on March 01, 2021, 08:03:27 AM
Thanks dude...but most of what I post is actually reposts of other articles around the web. ;)

I don't want to claim any accolades that aren't mine. :-\

I was referring to your original material.  :)

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera

Will Never

Quote from: Tessera on March 01, 2021, 02:27:22 PM

I think maybe, for a while at least, AOC was listening to people who were counseling her to dress down a bit
and try not to look so sexy. Ostensibly to give her more "credibility," no doubt. Well, I'm glad she finally stopped
listening to those clowns.

I bet that you are correct. I think it's very likely that her handlers suggested she bring it down.   Remember the "scandal" wherein AOC was "caught" wearing an expensive outfit and then got blasted online for it?  It was for some magazine shoot and the clothes, a 3500 dollar suit and 600 dollar pair of shoes, didn't even belong to her.    ::)

See attachment.


Quote from: Will Never on March 01, 2021, 03:22:45 PMRemember the "scandal" wherein AOC was "caught" wearing an expensive outfit and then got blasted online for it?  It was for some magazine shoot and the clothes, a 3500 dollar suit and 600 dollar pair of shoes, didn't even belong to her.    ::)

Of course I remember it... and I know why these things ONLY happen to AOC. I've said it many times.

Every single right-wing creep who attacks AOC secretly wants to jump in bed with her.  All of them do. No exceptions.
Their words, their behavior, the faces they make and the way they leer at her says it all. They look at her and see
a VERY desirable woman. Meanwhile, they must know that AOC wouldn't give them the time of day, let alone seriously
entertain any sexual overtures they might make (if they actually had the guts). So naturally, they hate her.

How do most people behave, when they see something they REALLY want and know they can never have..?
Aesop wrote a famous fable about that mindset, called "The Fox And The Grapes."

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


So dig this... today, the Senate voted on an amendment to include a $15 minimum wage provision.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema brought some chocolate cake to the proceedings and then, when it was her turn to vote, she walked up and gave a big, dramatic thumbs-down gesture. What a clown show.

Basically, she was parodying the famous "Why can't they eat cake?" uttered way back in the 18th century, by Marie Antoinette. What Ms. Sinema had obviously forgotten is that Ms. Antoinette's callous remark was followed by the storming of the Bastille and the French Revolution. Good luck when it's your turn at the guillotine, Kyrsten baby.

Corporate Democrats will never vote to increase the minimum wage. Doing to would mean that their corporate donors would need to effectively double the salaries of a large portion of their workforce. Which in turn would mean that those same corporations would then hate the Democrats. Well, once again, the Dems will do whatever it takes to keep those corporations happy and ensure that the donations and the lobbyists keep flowing.

And then they wonder why progressives almost always win in a landslide. We need to primary every single one of these sleazy, corporate-owned Dems with solid and thoroughly vetted progressive candidates.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Quote from: Tessera on March 07, 2021, 06:15:39 PM
So dig this... today, the Senate voted on an amendment to include a $15 minimum wage provision.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema brought some chocolate cake to the proceedings and then, when it was her turn to vote, she walked up and gave a big, dramatic thumbs-down gesture. What a clown show.

Basically, she was parodying the famous "Why can't they eat cake?" uttered way back in the 18th century, by Marie Antoinette. What Ms. Sinema had obviously forgotten is that Ms. Antoinette's callous remark was followed by the storming of the Bastille and the French Revolution. Good luck when it's your turn at the guillotine, Kyrsten baby.

Corporate Democrats will never vote to increase the minimum wage. Doing to would mean that their corporate donors would need to effectively double the salaries of a large portion of their workforce. Which in turn would mean that those same corporations would then hate the Democrats. Well, once again, the Dems will do whatever it takes to keep those corporations happy and ensure that the donations and the lobbyists keep flowing.

And then they wonder why progressives almost always win in a landslide. We need to primary every single one of these sleazy, corporate-owned Dems with solid and thoroughly vetted progressive candidates.

She prob thinks it won't happen to her.
That's what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.


Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera

Blonde Guardian

Quote from: Will Never on March 01, 2021, 12:47:33 AM
Also, you should submit such eloquent pieces of writing to the NYT as an op-ed.  The quality and content of your writing is leagues better than a good deal of what they publish now.   :)

This is true. All of their current output would be massively improved if it were written by Tessera and/or Cylnar instead.