Welcome To America

Started by Tessera, June 26, 2018, 03:03:08 AM

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Welcome To America

The national disgrace caused by Donald Trump and his woefully misled supporters needs to come to an end.

Regardless of where you stand upon immigration, I think every decent, moral person would agree that America should never become known as the nation that terrorizes little children and babies. But that is precisely what has been happening -- thanks to Donald Trump and his insanely racist executive order to separate children from their parents at the US/Mexico border. Trump claims that they are no longer doing this... but as of this posting, the U.S. government has no real and viable plan to reunite these children with their families. Many of them may never be reunited at all... not ever. It's a quagmire and a disgrace.

Do you see the terrified little girl on that Time magazine cover..? She isn't vermin... she isn't "infesting" America... she isn't here to spread crime and she certainly isn't capable of hurting anyone. She's just a little girl... a sweet, innocent and traumatized child, who will quite possibly be psychologically scarred for the rest of her life. I think she's adorable... and the thought of how callously she's being treated makes me want to scream.

Donald Trump is a Nazi. It's as simple as that. So are his most ardent supporters. Nothing but xenophobic, vicious punks... all of them. People like Trump are the same people who were responsible for Kristallnacht. The same people who loaded terrorized human beings onto cattle cars and then shipped them off to Auschwitz. And yes -- it damned well is too a legitimate comparison to make.

When you dehumanize a specific group of people and then use them as scapegoats for all of your own inadequacies and frustrations, it doesn't take long before you then begin to feel justified in brutalizing those people. One mentality almost always leads into the other... which is why we, as Americans, need to put an end to this atrocious policy IMMEDIATELY. Before it escalates to the next tragic and inevitable stage.

Donald Trump is a hateful, inhuman, psychologically disturbed person -- and he is completely unfit to hold public office. Please... everyone... sign petitions and urge your elected officials to move forward on the impeachment of the president. Let's not wait for another horrendous human tragedy to happen, before we act. And when the next elections roll around, be sure to vote against any and all members of Congress who are still openly supporting Donald Trump and his sick policies. Even if you hate the opposing candidate... we absolutely must throw these Nazi bastards out on their asses, in order to show the rest of the world that Americans will not tolerate this kind of horrible, divisive crap any longer.

Or... I guess we should just tear down the Statue of Liberty -- because right now, she's been reduced to being a corroded old copper statue, that no longer stands for anything meaningful in America.

Just think about it -- please. Don't let your emotions interfere with your ability to know right from wrong. That's what happened in Germany in the 1930's and yes, it could happen here, too. Do we really need to repeat that horrifying history..?

- Tessera -

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


In a bit of related trivia...

It is in fact true, according to Newsweek and other sources, that Bernie Sanders is currently the most popular politician in America. More than that -- Sanders happens to be the ONLY politician in America who is approved of by a majority of the voting public (he currently holds a 54% approval rating). As for who the least popular politician in America is... well, whattya know -- it's Donald Trump, of course. If any of you are in doubt (or in denial), then simply Google "most popular American politician" for yourselves.

In a recent California senate race, the Republican candidate received only 9% of the vote. The fucker couldn't even break into the double digits... he was annihilated. California, which is where I live, is a notoriously left-wing state -- but this result surprised even me. Way to go, California... keep fighting the good fight.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that America is finally swinging back to the left. So... the Trumpanzees can run their ignorant and hateful mouths until they're blue in the face, but they happen to be increasingly outnumbered and they WILL go down in the end.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Has anyone watched the latest pathetic attempts by the Republicans to attack the Mueller investigation and the FBI..?

One of the GOP congressmen leading the charge inspired me to toss together this photo:

On the left, the banjo-playing Mongoloid from the classic 1972 film Deliverance.

On the right, South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy.

Is there a resemblance..? Hmmm.... Well, I don't remember the Mongoloid kid foaming at the mouth the way Gowdy does, but they do kinda remind me of one another. Inbred and all that.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Wait a minute... I just thought of something...

Could it be true..?   :o

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


In other news...


Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


And the whole world knows it. America is an international laughingstock thanks to Trump and the Republicans. ::)

And this idiot has the nuclear codes. Unfuckingbelievable. :o
Stupidity is self-perpetuating and self-propagating. Genius must constantly be exercised to flourish.
Religion is the wool that's been pulled over our eyes to turn us into sheep.
"Behind every great fortune is a great crime." -- Honoré de Balzac
Wise up...rise up!


Quote from: Cylnar on July 19, 2018, 10:28:05 PM
And the whole world knows it. America is an international laughingstock thanks to Trump and the Republicans. ::)

Ya know... awhile back, I told you that I wanted to tone down the number of political posts on this board. Remember..? I know you weren't happy about it.

Well, I've changed my mind. I can't keep my mouth shut any longer. Everyone should feel free to post whatever they wish. Hopefully, you'll all agree that Trump and the GOP are a rat pack dominated by evil parasites. But you can post anything you want to... even if you disagree with me. What we need here in the USA is some good old-fashioned and civilized dialogue about the current state of affairs.

America needs to see a blue wave in November and then, we need to impeach and arrest Donald Trump... and lock him up in a mental asylum somewhere. Oh... and take all of his money away, and give it to the immigrant families that he tried to brutalize and destroy.

I've lived a long time and I've seen all sorts of political corruption over the years... but I have never, ever seen anything like this. Enough is enough.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Recent front page of the New York Daily News paper...

Yeah, I'd say it's pretty serious at this point. Trump is not only impeachable, but is almost certainly guilty of treason... a crime which used to carry the death penalty in this country.

Back when Trump first took office, I predicted that he wouldn't even make it through his first term. I said that he would either be impeached, or forced to resign in disgrace. The way I see things unfolding right now, my expectation at this point is that Trump will resign if the November elections go against the GOP. After he resigns, VP Mike Pence will pardon him.. a la Nixon and Gerald Ford, way back in 1974. 

Regardless of whether Trump ultimately receives a pardon, I feel that the People of the United States should sue Donald Trump in court, for billions of dollars in damages, on the grounds that he has severely damaged our nation's reputation, our relationships with our allies, our economy and yes, he should also pay restitution to the migrant families who were terrorized by having their children stolen from them at the border. A high-profile lawsuit of that type would go a long way toward reassuring the rest of the world that America hates Trump and that we seek to make him pay for his crimes... one way or another. Taking billionaire Donny's money away would be a very fitting punishment indeed... it's practically poetic.  ;)

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Here is a response that I just posted on YouTube, regarding Trump's mental state...

Tessmage Tessera 1 minute ago (edited)

I think Trump is a classic example of what is known as malignant narcissistic personality disorder. This is a person who is desperately trying to maintain the illusion of his own superiority. To that end, he will lie, he will cheat, he will steal, he will plaster himself with an artificial veneer of visually impressive accoutrements (which includes his wife, the former underwear model) and surround himself with "loyal" sycophants. When such people are in danger of being exposed, they typically resort to pathological lying, in order to divert attention away from their own shortcomings and faults. Sometimes, they will even look for a patsy to pin their own failures upon. This obviously describes Trump quite well... and it also indicates that he suffers from a serious mental disorder which could, quite possibly, endanger us all. Donald Trump needs to be forcibly removed from office -- before anything truly terrible happens.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Ya know, at this point, it's incredible to me that there are still Americans who support Donald Trump. Whenever I try to picture Trump supporters in my mind, I keep getting this mental image of herds of glassy-eyed zombies, tumbling out of the short bus and then shambling aimlessly about, while chanting "MA-GA... MA-GA" as if they were under some form of sinister mind control. These people are clearly not thinking for themselves anymore. Hell... maybe they never did. It's just very sad to watch.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


And then there's this obese, revolting twat...

What a miserable, amoral piglet this woman is. At this point, Sarah Huckabee Sanders is no longer Trump's press secretary... she has functionally become Trump's paid interpreter. I'm so sick of seeing this fat, sneering, demonic she-cow on TV, deceptively paraphrasing and explaining Trump's insane rants, his ridiculous flip-flops and his self-aggrandizing utterances. She has zero credibility and she is also totally unqualified for her position. If not for her family ties, she never would have landed this job. Not in a million years... not only because she looks terrible on camera, but also because she is openly hostile to the press. I've seen several of her press conferences devolve into shouting matches and honestly, Sarah Sanders is just one more national embarrassment that we're all being forced to put up with.

This bitch needs to be fired, and then forcibly handcuffed and shackled to a StairMaster for a couple of years. You could fit a 6-year-old child into the left side of her ass, fer chrissakes.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Prof. Allan Lichtman predicts that Donald Trump will be impeached:


"Professor Allan Lichtman has correctly predicted every US presidential race since 1984. He believes that President Donald Trump will be impeached during his time in office."

Speaking personally, I'm hoping that by this time next year, Trump will no longer be our president. Frankly, I'm hoping that Trump will be imprisoned as well. So when a high-powered political analyst like Allan Lichtman predicts that Trump will indeed be impeached, I feel somewhat reassured. Prof. Lichtman has been correct on just about every political question of the past 35 years, so let's hope he's right this time as well.

As an aside, I'd like to say that all of those titillating news stories about Trump's relationships with porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal don't interest me at all. I didn't care who Bill Clinton was fucking -- and I don't care about who Trump has been fucking, either. I just care about how much Trump has been fucking AMERICA up the ass. His relationships with sleazy gold diggers are completely immaterial to me. Rich guys attract opportunistic whores like flies... that's been true for thousands of years. Trump's current wife is in the same "opportunistic whore" category, fer chrissakes. The man has never experienced real, true, genuine love in his life -- all of his women have been glorified whores, who in all probability secretly detest him. So big deal... the mass media need to stop focusing on lowbrow stories about sex and stay focused on Trump's actual crimes.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Quote from: Tessera on July 29, 2018, 06:45:30 PM
Prof. Allan Lichtman predicts that Donald Trump will be impeached:


"Professor Allan Lichtman has correctly predicted every US presidential race since 1984. He believes that President Donald Trump will be impeached during his time in office."

Speaking personally, I'm hoping that by this time next year, Trump will no longer be our president. Frankly, I'm hoping that Trump will be imprisoned as well. So when a high-powered political analyst like Allan Lichtman predicts that Trump will indeed be impeached, I feel somewhat reassured. Prof. Lichtman has been correct on just about every political question of the past 35 years, so let's hope he's right this time as well.

As an aside, I'd like to say that all of those titillating news stories about Trump's relationships with porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal don't interest me at all. I didn't care who Bill Clinton was fucking -- and I don't care about who Trump has been fucking, either. I just care about how much Trump has been fucking AMERICA up the ass. His relationships with sleazy gold diggers are completely immaterial to me. Rich guys attract opportunistic whores like flies... that's been true for thousands of years. Trump's current wife is in the same "opportunistic whore" category, fer chrissakes. The man has never experienced real, true, genuine love in his life -- all of his women have been glorified whores, who in all probability secretly detest him. So big deal... the mass media need to stop focusing on lowbrow stories about sex and stay focused on Trump's actual crimes.

When that happens watch his supporters really lose it.
That's what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.


Quote from: Tessera on July 29, 2018, 06:45:30 PM
I just care about how much Trump has been fucking AMERICA up the ass.

I just hope Trump gets impeached before he, Bitch McCocksucker and the Geriatric Ophidian Pigfuckers are able to push through the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. Once Kavanaugh is seated, Trump's presidency will continuously assrape America for the next 30+ years, regardless of what happens to Trump himself. >:(
Stupidity is self-perpetuating and self-propagating. Genius must constantly be exercised to flourish.
Religion is the wool that's been pulled over our eyes to turn us into sheep.
"Behind every great fortune is a great crime." -- Honoré de Balzac
Wise up...rise up!


Quote from: Blankspace on July 30, 2018, 06:56:58 AM
When that happens watch his supporters really lose it.

Yeah... I swear, Trump's supporters have become akin to some sort of whacked-out, Kool-Aid drinking cult at this point. Trump could probably run naked down 5th Avenue, randomly shooting children with a machine gun and raping every young woman he sees, and his supporters would still be chanting his name like zombies, and licking his asshole clean every time he shits on them. Which, in fact, is exactly what Trump has been doing. To date, Trump has broken each and every promise that he made to his supporters during his campaign... every single one... and has in fact done more to harm them than any other president since Herbert Hoover. I've never seen anything so pathetic and perplexing in my life --  it's fucking surreal. But the good news is that Trump's supporters are such a small minority at this point, that we really don't need to care about them anymore. They're finished.. whether they know it, or not.

Quote from: Cylnar on July 30, 2018, 06:58:17 AM
I just hope Trump gets impeached before he, Bitch McCocksucker and the Geriatric Ophidian Pigfuckers are able to push through the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. Once Kavanaugh is seated, Trump's presidency will continuously assrape America for the next 30+ years, regardless of what happens to Trump himself. >:(

Well, unless it can be proven that Trump's presidency was illegitimate (ie: due to collusion with and interference from the Russians).

In which case, all of his appointments would be considered null and void.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Buddy of mine said if Trump was impeached Pence would be impeached the week after. What do they have on him?
Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.


Quote from: beetle on July 30, 2018, 10:33:43 AM
Buddy of mine said if Trump was impeached Pence would be impeached the week after. What do they have on him?

Nothing, so far as I know. And we wouldn't want Pence to be impeached, anyway. If both the president and the vice president are removed, then the leadership of the country goes to the Speaker of the House... which in this case would be Paul Ryan. And that's the last fucking thing that we need right now.

Besides, if the Dems win big in November and Trump is subsequently impeached, I think we can count on Pence to sheepishly behave himself for the remainder of his term.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Here is a stirring quote, from a recent editorial which appeared in The New Yorker magazine:

Quote from: The New Yorker (July 2018)
On this occasion, as on many others in recent years, the President has flouted the law. He has not merely broken the law; he has overthrown the law. But this time, since his lawbreaking seems to remove a threat to the very survival of his Administration in office, it is not just this one act but the continuation of the Administration itself that has become lawless. The question of whether the Republic will live or die has now been decisively posed in this form: Will we remove a lawless Administration from office or will we submit to illegitimate rule?

The New Yorker is a very prestigious and highly respected publication, which was founded nearly 100 years ago (in 1925). The last time The New Yorker published anything this strongly worded against a sitting president was during the Nixon/Watergate scandal, way back in the early 1970's. This isn't "fake news," folks --  this is serious.

I think it's safe to say that the snowball is definitely rolling downhill at this point. Anti-Trump sentiments are becoming stronger and more widespread with each passing day. In fact, Trump's approval ratings are the lowest ever recorded... even lower than Nixon's were back in the days leading up to his resignation in 1974. This is deadly serious, people. Donald Trump simply must be removed from office, before he does irreparable harm to the United States of America. Things are so bad that there are even a number of Republicans who have begun to agree with that assertion: TRUMP MUST GO.

Whether you like it or not... and whether you are in denial or not... the evidence strongly indicates that Trump is a traitor who has colluded with Russia, as well as being a white collar criminal, a mentally unstable borderline psychotic, an abuser of women, a thief, a pathological liar, and an all-around nasty and despicable person. For example, Donald Trump is a man who once bragged on the Howard Stern Show that he used to sneak into the dressing rooms during the Miss Teen USA beauty pageant (a beauty pageant which Trump was producing at the time), merely because he wanted to see the teen-aged girls naked. What a slimeball -- imagine if you were the father of one of those girls and you found out about that. You'd probably want to beat Trump to death with a baseball bat.

Donald Trump is not only unfit to be president, he is quite frankly unfit to be in charge of ANYTHING which has an effect upon other people's lives. In my opinion, Trump should not only be impeached, but he should also face criminal charges as well. I don't just want to see this bastard out of office... I also want to see him in handcuffs.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera