Smart Phones, and the idiots who use them while driving

Started by Schu, July 07, 2012, 01:58:55 AM

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Beware, this is a rant against you fucking idiots who think you can drive, and use your so called smart phone at the same time.
I had to deal with my daughter being in the hospital and replace 2 vehicles because of you.

Smart phones are good for one thing on the road: "GETTING PEOPLE KILLED", injured, or their property damaged. I hate you
fuckers who use them on the road. My daughter was in the hospital for two weeks, because some dickhead was texting
while driving. Now, I was willing to let that go, because it was a one time incident, and was not likely to happen again, plus...
though she was badly injured, she was going to be okay. But low and behold, not more then a week after my little girl was
home from the hospital then my Jeep was totaled, and I could have been killed because of some bitch who thought checking
her fucking email was more important than keeping an eye on the road, and  paying attention...on the FUCKING FREEWAY
(that's 60-MPH for you folks on the East Coast). Unfortunately the woman who rammed my Jeep in the ass died at the scene.
I do feel remorse for her family, and send them my condolences, but I feel nothing for her.

I have had a dislike for people talking and texting on their cellphones while driving for a long time, it is a distraction that will
cause you to not pay attention to what is going on in front of you. "Now", these idiots have smart phones, and can check their
emails, or check the latest whatever, while heading to work...on the way home, or when ever they fell like checking
something. And you fuckers/cunts should burn in hell for doing so.

If you don't like what I have to say, too fucking bad. Keep using your latest tech, while on the road...and someone like me will
find you, and run you off the road, without even trying. I have put 2 of you fuckers in the ditch in the last week. You people
endanger lives, and I ain't gonna stop until you do.

Now you are going to ask...Why would I do such a thing? answer is: Because one of you bastards almost killed my
little girl, and I have had enough of you fucking morons, who don't have enough sense to fill a thimble.
Put your God Damned Hands on the wheel, and look in front of you.

Too the folks at these sites I am posting this on: So you all know...My daughter is okay, and so am I, but the only thing that
saved our ass's, was the full role-cages I installed on my old CJ-7 (my daughters Jeep) and the TJ, I was driving. If it was
someone else they would probably be dead.

Rant over:
Don't get me wrong, I am all for new technology and better communication, but there is a time and place for it.

[EDIT: Title changed as per Tessera's request. It actually makes more sense now.]
It's never the Liquor, it's just your brain rejecting reality.


Well then, this isn't actually a rant against smart phones.

It's a rant against using your phone whilst driving.

You may wish to edit your title accordingly.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


or texting or any driver trying to do anything while driving


Interesting note: The man who made the first cell phone call almost walked into traffic due to not paying attention while making the first cell phone call walking down the street. Cell phones have been a proven distraction since call one.
Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.


He was probably adjusting the straps on the power cell backpack on that prototype phone in the late '70s. :P

The first "mass market" cell phones came out in (I believe) 1984 and were about the size and weight of a brick used in construction. They cost about $8 a minute to use, only worked in major cities like NYC, L.A. and Chicago, and were basically a novelty for well-heeled corporate types. ::)
Stupidity is self-perpetuating and self-propagating. Genius must constantly be exercised to flourish.
Religion is the wool that's been pulled over our eyes to turn us into sheep.
"Behind every great fortune is a great crime." -- Honoré de Balzac
Wise up...rise up!


Quote from: Cylnar on July 08, 2012, 11:38:11 AM
He was probably adjusting the straps on the power cell backpack on that prototype phone in the late '70s. :P

The first "mass market" cell phones came out in (I believe) 1984 and were about the size and weight of a brick used in construction. They cost about $8 a minute to use, only worked in major cities like NYC, L.A. and Chicago, and were basically a novelty for well-heeled corporate types. ::)

  We  have come a long way baby since the 70' and 80's..... and I do mean a long ways.
"The Two most important days in your life are, the day you were born and the day you found out, WHY" -Mark Twain"


Quote from: Cylnar on July 08, 2012, 11:38:11 AM
He was probably adjusting the straps on the power cell backpack on that prototype phone in the late '70s. :P

The first "mass market" cell phones came out in (I believe) 1984 and were about the size and weight of a brick used in construction. They cost about $8 a minute to use, only worked in major cities like NYC, L.A. and Chicago, and were basically a novelty for well-heeled corporate types. ::)

This was in the 80's. So it was probably just before the brick phones became public. I think. I just remember the guy telling his story on TV.
Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.


Well, I purchased my very first smart phone a month or so ago and so far, I'm diggin' it.

But I agree that they should never, ever be used whilst driving. Not even if you have a headset.

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Don't get my rant wrong, I think that smart phones can make the lives of some people easier.
Delivery personnel can be easily contacted without having to call them while their on the road (just leave them an email). Repair technicians can look up information online without having to use a clients internet connection, that's just 2 examples.

I don't own a smart phone, but I do have a cell phone, and it is either shut off or ignored when I am on the road, even if someone else is driving. I believe that all cell or smart phone owners who use them while driving (hand held, or hands free) should be charged with reckless endangerment. Those things are a major distraction, and cause more crashes than drunk drivers.

As I said before, I don't hate the phones themselves, just the morons who use them while driving. That said, I honestly hope that your new smart phone gives you many years of reliable service Tessera

(title of thread changed)
It's never the Liquor, it's just your brain rejecting reality.


Quote from: Schu on July 10, 2012, 04:18:03 PM
I don't hate the phones themselves, just the morons who use them while driving. 

And while walking, eating in restaurants, talking to people, the list goes on, and on, and on,,,,,,,you get my drift.
"The Two most important days in your life are, the day you were born and the day you found out, WHY" -Mark Twain"


I still remember (fondly) the days when it was considered rude to use your cellphone while you were doing anything else (other than perhaps walking along the sidewalk). Nowadays people use the damn things for talking and/or texting while driving, shopping and even talking to other people for business (like in the checkout line at the supermarket) or pleasure (hanging out with friends or family), and nobody bats an eyelash. And if you take offense, people think you're the asshole. ::)
Stupidity is self-perpetuating and self-propagating. Genius must constantly be exercised to flourish.
Religion is the wool that's been pulled over our eyes to turn us into sheep.
"Behind every great fortune is a great crime." -- Honoré de Balzac
Wise up...rise up!


Then they're really gonna think I'm an asshole when I snatch it
out of their hand and then smash it under my boot heel.  :laugh:

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to describe a certain color to someone who has always been blind.  ~ Tessera


Quote from: Tessera on July 11, 2012, 07:08:25 AM
Then they're really gonna think I'm an asshole when I snatch it
out of their hand and then smash it under my boot heel.  :laugh:

  That's the way to it,,, and chicks for free. :D Even before the cell, people waited until they got to the office or home, and they always excused themselves before answering. Now, it is a different ball game, no P's and Q's
"The Two most important days in your life are, the day you were born and the day you found out, WHY" -Mark Twain"


Quote from: Tessera on July 11, 2012, 07:08:25 AM
Then they're really gonna think I'm an asshole when I snatch it
out of their hand and then smash it under my boot heel.  :laugh:

I have wanted to do that so many times.
It's never the Liquor, it's just your brain rejecting reality.


On a related note I hate people who have those wireless "headsets" for their cellphones. Most times it sounds like they are trying to talk to you or are having a conversation with themselves until you see the earpiece.  >:(
Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.


Quote from: beetle on July 11, 2012, 09:39:41 PM
On a related note I hate people who have those wireless "headsets" for their cellphones. Most times it sounds like they are trying to talk to you or are having a conversation with themselves until you see the earpiece.  >:(

I seen those people, in the laundry places, they sure enjoy themselves talking, why'll people are leaving or get  up to sit someplace else. "HOT, Cha, Cha, Cha."
"The Two most important days in your life are, the day you were born and the day you found out, WHY" -Mark Twain"


Quote from: Schu on July 07, 2012, 01:58:55 AM
Beware, this is a rant against you fucking idiots who think you can drive, and use your so called smart phone at the same time.
I had to deal with my daughter being in the hospital and replace 2 vehicles because of you.

Smart phones are good for one thing on the road: "GETTING PEOPLE KILLED", injured, or their property damaged. I hate you
fuckers who use them on the road. My daughter was in the hospital for two weeks, because some dickhead was texting
while driving. Now, I was willing to let that go, because it was a one time incident, and was not likely to happen again, plus...
though she was badly injured, she was going to be okay. But low and behold, not more then a week after my little girl was
home from the hospital then my Jeep was totaled, and I could have been killed because of some bitch who thought checking
her fucking email was more important than keeping an eye on the road, and  paying attention...on the FUCKING FREEWAY
(that's 60-MPH for you folks on the East Coast). Unfortunately the woman who rammed my Jeep in the ass died at the scene.
I do feel remorse for her family, and send them my condolences, but I feel nothing for her.

I have had a dislike for people talking and texting on their cellphones while driving for a long time, it is a distraction that will
cause you to not pay attention to what is going on in front of you. "Now", these idiots have smart phones, and can check their
emails, or check the latest whatever, while heading to work...on the way home, or when ever they fell like checking
something. And you fuckers/cunts should burn in hell for doing so.

If you don't like what I have to say, too fucking bad. Keep using your latest tech, while on the road...and someone like me will
find you, and run you off the road, without even trying. I have put 2 of you fuckers in the ditch in the last week. You people
endanger lives, and I ain't gonna stop until you do.

Now you are going to ask...Why would I do such a thing? answer is: Because one of you bastards almost killed my
little girl, and I have had enough of you fucking morons, who don't have enough sense to fill a thimble.
Put your God Damned Hands on the wheel, and look in front of you.

Too the folks at these sites I am posting this on: So you all know...My daughter is okay, and so am I, but the only thing that
saved our ass's, was the full role-cages I installed on my old CJ-7 (my daughters Jeep) and the TJ, I was driving. If it was
someone else they would probably be dead.

Rant over:
Don't get me wrong, I am all for new technology and better communication, but there is a time and place for it.

[EDIT: Title changed as per Tessera's request. It actually makes more sense now.]
Those CJ-7s are tough vehicles.  Not like the cheap plastic toy cars most people seem to drive nowadays.  Smart choice for your daughter.  Every idiot out there who is texting or checking their email with a smart phone while driving should be stopped by police and have his or her driver's license taken away forever. 


I use my smartphone all the time while out on the road, but I have a bluetooth headset on or the speaker. Any fidiling is done during redlights. I've seen too many accidents in my neck of the woods from people who simply can't pay attention to the road, was their text worth the injuries and damages? I don't think so.